GEOMETT has identified four target groups from which new members should be engaged: policymakers, researchers, civil society organizations and private companies.

The initial members of this action come from different disciplines and have complementary background.

This shows the openness nature of the network whose structure is flexible enough to engage new members interested in any of the domains covered.

Specific efforts will be addressed to the different target groups:


Involved in any of the domains of the network whose research may be boost
by their participation. GEOMETT will facilitate to overcome the gap between consolidated knowledge and its effective and real implementation for improving the quality of life and welfare of people.


Representing any of the administration levels and any of the domains covered by GEOMETT. The work of the Think Tank will provide policy makers with insights on
the good ruling in every of the public institutions based on the principals of effectiveness, and transparency.

Business actors

Their engagement is vital in order to understand the main barriers and facilitators for the economic growth in the area. GEOMETT will provide the business actors with meeting points between the spectrum countries to make them more efficient in the Mediterranean market, a network of commerce and competitive innovation of the Mediterranean area in the international sphere

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)

Will be targeted since their vision of the work and activities carried out by GEOMETT is essential in terms of validation and acceptance by the civil society. GEOMETT will consolidate the citizens’ awareness on their responsibilities in the cultural life, social, economic and political life,
promoting their active participation in the public sphere. Facilitating foundations for the citizens to make them capable to act on the base of a critical thought.